These fine, triangle felting needles are suitable for fine fibres of less than 20 microns such as our Extra fine merino wool roving you can find here in our shop!
Includes a set of 6 needles, each are apx. 3 1/8" (8 cm) long.
Needles can be used individually or inserted into a felting tool.
CAUTION: felting needles are extremely sharp, use with care! Not suitable for children.
These felting needles are thin and made of stainless steel, breaking a needle is not uncommon, especially if used incorrectly. For this reason, we do not offer replacements on broken felting needles.
Needle felting into a very dense, tightly woven piece may cause bending and/or breaking of your needle. Test carefully in a small area before proceeding.
When needle felting, make sure you bring the needle out of the piece at the same angle you went in, turning the needle while it’s in the piece can cause the needle to bend and/or break.